Dr. Derek Lawrence, ND ProLon Review
Dr. Derek Lawrence: ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet
Auto-generated Transcript Via Descript:
Hey everyone, Dr. Derek here, back in my office after Thanksgiving long weekend. And I'm sure, you know, just like you guys, I. Definitely over eight, really enjoyed myself. And it's time to time to do a little bit of a reboot. And relatively recently came across an exciting product that I'm actually doing this to share with you.
[00:00:30]As you know, I'm not much of a social media user and you know, for me to get behind something, I have to be pretty excited about it. And I am It is a, it's called it ProLon five day fasting, mimicking diet, first off and foremost, you know, I don't kind of get behind any product. I really I like to know the data.
[00:00:48] I like to know the research and I'm really impressed with what one, the fasting mimicking diets actually been able to do for folks. And of course the people doing the research I've been I've been satisfied with as well. So let's take a look at what we're looking at here. So this is the ProLon five day meal program here.
[00:01:08] And it's pretty easy because pretty much that's in those boxes are going to be the food that I'm going to eat for the next five days. There is a small calorie restriction to it as well. So day one has about 1100 calories and then day two, three, four, and five, or closer to eight. There isn't fasting aspect of it, but there is also food.
[00:01:28] So the major question I get is. Well, how can be fasting if there's food there kind of just behind that is, is it's about a threshold and the design of the food. So the food is actually designed to down-regulate some of our kind of aging pathways and regulate some of our regenerative and rejuvenating pathways in our system.
[00:01:51] And we can go and I will go into more detail on that during the week. Three major pathways in particular insulin, like growth factor M Tor and protein kinase, a. Those are familiar to you. Great. You would do in your research. If not, I will talk a little bit more about it. Probably a day, two or three. But furthermore, this threshold effect is basically they give you enough nutrients so that when you feel fed, but your cells are kind of still in a fasting state.
[00:02:21]So let's take a look at what day one's got for us. So day one has us with. A minestrone soup, Lynn
[00:02:35] tomato soup blends. So it looks like I'll be eating a fair amount of soup.
[00:02:41] It's got
[00:02:43] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:02:43] kale crackers
[00:02:45] and they have these great,
[00:02:47] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:02:47] they call L bars. These ones that are nut-based. They're very
[00:02:50] good.
[00:02:53] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:02:53] A. Chocolate kind of rice, crispy flavored one, a pack of olives
[00:03:01] and a
[00:03:03] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:03:03] couple of pro lawns specific dietary nutrients, some Omega threes from LG.
[00:03:10] And then I vegetable powder with my vitamins and nutrients in it. And then there's two teas too. There's a spearmint tea and a lemon spearmint tea one, which I've already. So there's our spearmint
[00:03:25] tea.
[00:03:28] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:03:28] That's it? This is day one. This is what we're going to eat. On day one. I'm probably gonna start off with having to not bar. This morning, and I will keep you in the loop on how day one goes and how I feel at the end of it. So if this is interesting to you already got a couple of patients on board who are going to try this out you know, fasting is becoming a.
[00:03:51] Kind of more popular term, and this is a great way to kind of try it out for yourself. Jump in. That's relatively low stress. You still get to have food and there's not a lot of prep. And that's one of the things that is really nice about it is that it's all there.
[00:04:10] I can see you after day one of my ProLon five day fasting, mimicking diet. So I can, I can say they, one was relatively easy. I mean, there's an ample amount of food. I could say. Maybe I felt a little bit hungry in the evening, but I still had some food leftover that I hadn't eaten yet. So in the evening I did get a slight dull headache that lasted until I went to sleep woke up feeling fine this morning and drank some water.
[00:04:41] And made it into the office to show you guys what is in store for day two and day two is the first day that comes with a energy drink. So they call it their L drink, orange flavor. We'll see how this one goes. I'm never a huge fan of energy drinks, but we'll try it out. And what do we got? Why's today, we got mushroom soup.
[00:05:12] I'm actually excited for that one. I'm a big fan of mushroom soup. So minestrone with keenwah this time. I can definitely say so yesterday we had tomato. And we had minestrone. I liked the tomato a lot, actually. It was good. Pretty quick to make the minestrone takes a little bit longer, 15 minutes or so.
[00:05:30] And it was okay, but both of them tasted good. I definitely like the tomato better out of everything. I mean really the thing, maybe that. W that I didn't love the most was the little chocolate rice crispy bar, but I'm not a huge chocolate person. So that might, that might be exists. That might be why.
[00:05:49]So let's get back to the box today. We got two packs of all of us. Those were really tasty yesterday.
[00:05:57] And we have
[00:06:01] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:06:01] spearmint tea, spearmint, lemon tea. I really like both of those. We have one L bar today or one nut bar I should say, then one of the. Chocolate crispy bar. We have a couple more teeth.
[00:06:17] We've got a high viscous tea, extra two high viscous cheese, two of those, and one of their veggie powder, mineral supplements, as you can see, there is day two and haven't had any of it yet, but we're going to have some probably some tea and they'll not bar to begin the day. One of the markers that I'm running a lot on my patients.
[00:06:42] And one of the ones I'm interested in, in, in as far as it gauging kind of the health and particularly the inflammatory load on their system and that's CRP, okay. Stands for C reactive protein. And I'll show you a little graphic from one of the Pearl on handouts. So it actually shows ProLon reducing CRP by over 1.5 points.
[00:07:09] Of course, this was in people who it was already elevated above one. Okay. So this is a population that is not at low risk. So it lesson one. A CRP lesson. One is a relatively low risk population as it pertains to things like cardiovascular disease. One to three is about average and then above three is high risk.
[00:07:31] So in the groups that were average or high prolonged was able to lower their CRP by over 1.5 points, which is a big deal. Considering the scale that we're working with. So what's CRP it's kind of a systemic inflammatory marker. So it's a, it's a protein that's produced by the liver that responds to dead and dying cells.
[00:07:56] Okay. So if there are organisms processes or otherwise aging, you know, that is breaking down ourselves. Faster than we would really like them to be broken down or frat faster than normal. Our CRP is going to elevate in response to that. So we'll see this Elevate and things like acute infections, we call it acute phase reactant it'll rise in acute infections, but it'll also stay elevated and things like chronic inflammation in the body.
[00:08:24]I look at it often through the lens of cardiovascular disease, as well as irritable bowel disease. Okay. Both of those have high inflammatory load and we can even assess those things through the lens of like mental health, anxiety, depression there's evidence that there's a large inflammatory load.
[00:08:41] In our system when it comes to, you know, challenges with mental health. So it's a valuable marker from my perspective, because not only it tells us a couple of things, it tells us we need to one stop breaking down ourselves. So fast, right stop. The oxidative stress is on our system, but also help repair faster.
[00:08:59] Right. The supply is not meeting the demand. So it's a valuable marker. I run it often and Prolensa is a, is a great tool seemingly to, to lower it. And that's something that's exciting for me. Like I said, I base a lot of my kind of choices on literature and what's going to be right for my patients.
[00:09:20] And this seems like a valuable tool in that capacity.
[00:09:26] Started day three of our ProLon fasting, mimicking diet. This is hump day. It's the middle, but day three is the beginning of what we call the autophagy stage of this diet. And that is kind of the, your old cells getting cleaned up and and rejuvenated. So I want to show you a graphic here. So right there, we're in day.
[00:09:47] Three here. And three is where the autophagy stage starts. This is cleaning up our old dead cells. This is where our skin is going to start to glow. And all of that kind of dead inflamed dysfunctional tissue is going to start to turn over really at a cellular level. Autophagy is basically auto cell death.
[00:10:07] So your D your cells triggering themselves to to die if they are kind of broken or not working as well as they need to. So that's. Stay two, three, four, and five. Starting tomorrow, we're going to start to see the big increase in STEM cell rejuvenation that I'm looking forward to get the curves lines away from my eyes a little bit tighter.
[00:10:30] So anyways, let's look at day three. This has been really easy really stress-free to do so I'm looking forward to this day as well to minestrone. And tomato. I'm excited about the tomato. It's been my favorite soup so far, really easy to prepare it too quick. We have kale crackers. One of the nut L bars, which I always say for the end of the day, it's kind of like my dessert for the day.
[00:11:01] We have one pack of the veggie powder, vitamin nutrients, and then we have forties. So we got two high biscuits and then the lemon tea and the spearmint tea. So you can see here, no, all of us today, that was a big treat yesterday. There were two packs of olives and now. We have none. This looks like kind of on paper, the most challenging day out of all of them from people that I know that have been doing this, they say day three is kind of the most challenging that's where like the hunger peaks.
[00:11:34]So we'll see how it goes. I will fill you in later today, if there's any exciting news to report headaches or fatigue or otherwise. If everything goes smoothly we'll connect with you tomorrow morning and let you know how Dayforce
[00:11:53]I'm going to go through day four with you in just a moment, but to I wanted to give you a recap of, of my day three, generally speaking started off strong, but then, like I said, in that short little video yesterday, I did get a moment of hypoglycemia. Where I, I had to eat something quickly. I just was feeling like a little shaky, low energy, even a little anxious, and that maybe stayed for about an hour course at eight.
[00:12:23]And that seemed to kind of calm everything down, but it lingered around for a little bit. The rest of the afternoon was great though. Was definitely hungry. By the time I got home, it was ready for a couple of soups. Had those and the night was good. So back to the green L drink today, I mixed up with some high biscuits tea.
[00:12:48] We got two soups,
[00:12:52] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:12:52] veggie soup blend and minestrone. Keenwah. And you can see I'm in a different office today. I'm in my Bakersfield office. So if anybody's following along in Bakersfield, this is where we're at that bar
[00:13:10] chocolate bar
[00:13:14] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:13:14] and the normal makeup of the teas, a couple of high biscuits, lemon spearmint, and today lucky two packs of all of us. Again. And then the one day for started I'm feeling good. And we've got a whole day of patients here at the clinic in Bakersfield, so I'll make sure to stack my food a little bit more spread out today as opposed to yesterday where I think I waited too long to eat.
[00:13:41] So anyways, that's how it's going. And we'll. Fill you guys in, if anything exciting happens today, if not, I'll check in with you tomorrow morning and let you know what day five has in store for us. And then we get to talk about, gosh, the transition day and what's you know, the results that we get from it.
[00:14:04] this is day five, the last day of our ProLon five day fasting, mimicking diet. And yesterday was great. Day four was pretty easy. Didn't have any coffee on day four. I think day three taught me that I don't need that. It was a little too sensitive to it. So I didn't have any caffeine and I felt great pretty much all day and woke up feeling good today.
[00:14:28] Definitely. I'm excited to eat something tomorrow but I can definitely hang with one more day of this. So let's see what we got. Tomato soup, minestrone soup sound like a broken record. Kale crackers today, a N R one, which is the veggie, how to Revit him a nutrient supplement and Elbar Keyes another omega-3 LG oil.
[00:14:58] And then of course we've got Berry flavored Eldrich today. So that's what day five is looking like. I will hit you guys up again tomorrow morning for a day six a, which is just going to be transitioned diet. I'll let you know what I transitioned to and how I feel I'm doing all that. But overall four days deep I'm certainly impressed with how easy this has been.
[00:15:20]I've done other cleanses. I've done other fast juice, fast smoothie, fast broth, fast. This has been easy. All the foods there. And tastes good and you know, you're hungry. So, you know, pretty much anything will taste good too, but I've been impressed with it. And I've been impressed with how I feel during it.
[00:15:39] And so I certainly think it's, it's pretty doable for most people. And I'll fill you in later today, if anything exciting happens. During day five, if not, you'll hear from me tomorrow during my transition day and I'll let you know what, and when I choose
[00:15:55] to eat
[00:16:02] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:16:02] reporting post five day ProLon fast. This is so I guess this day six it's about quarter to 11 continuing on my kind of normal routine of intermittent fasting. So I generally don't eat till around 1130, 12. So I haven't eaten anything yet today, but I'm not even particularly hungry this morning.
[00:16:25] So overall my experience on this prolonged five day kind of fasting, mimicking diet has been pretty positive. I feel really kind of mentally clear, sharp dialed in my. Hunger. It's kind of surprisingly, like I'm not dying to eat. I'm not craving like, Oh my gosh, I got to go, you know, eat some chicken or I gotta go, you know, have a salad.
[00:16:51] Or when I would jump into a pizza, I don't really feel like that. I I'd like to eat. I'd like to eat something, you know, relatively soon and I'm going to, but yeah, it's been, it's been a pretty interesting, they kind of lack of Almost need or perceived need to eat. Weighed myself this morning on the whole, I I've down about seven and a half pounds.
[00:17:14]I've obviously I don't expect all that to stay after, you know, a couple of days, but I imagine, well, keep a few of those pounds off pretty sustainably. And I'm fairly certain my kind of Not appetite per se, but how much food I feel I will need to eat is going to change. Cause like I'm hungry, but like I don't really want to eat very much.
[00:17:36] And I'd like to kind of keep this good feeling going. So it's been a, it's been a pretty positive experience and certainly something I'm going to do again. Thanks for following along with me through this journey. If you're interested in, in, in prolong or doing a prolonged five day fast. You can always, you know, leave a comment.
[00:17:56]At revive you can leave a comment at doc Derek. If you're out in Bakersfield that can give our clinic a call here, sunrise, natural medicine, and we're on Instagram as well. So yeah, we'd love to hear from you guys and, and we'll make sure to video journal the next prolonged five day one as well.
[00:18:14] And I'm sure you'll see some more for me on Instagram and. Thank you so much for following along, have a good day. And I'm probably gonna break my fast with a little bit of soup from a, a restaurant here called lessons and I'm looking forward to it. So have a great day guys. Take care.
Katie (Office Manager) ProLon Review
Katie: ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet Review
Katie: Hey guys, I am doing a five day plant-based it's called a fasting, mimicking diet. Everything you will consume comes in these little boxes. The meals consists of things like kale, crackers. Um, Supplements teas, soups and bars. Since you're not digesting a whole bunch, your body has more energy to put in kind of repairing your body while also balancing your blood sugar, balancing your insulin, balancing your satiating hormones.
[00:00:45] It has shown to decrease body weight, decrease abdominal fat, decreased waist circumference, increased lean body mass. So that all has to do with how your body is metabolizing. Food 60% of weight loss has been shown to be maintained for three months after the diet, which is pretty significant because in most diets who aren't able to maintain that weight and even gain more weight back, it decreases LDL cholesterol, C-reactive protein, which isn't inflammation.
[00:01:17] Marker. It increases some cells by far during the diet. Also shows a significant increase in post diets STEM cells. It has also been shown to maintain after the diet fasting, blood glucose, STEM cells, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides insulin-like growth factor, ANSI, reactive protein. Anytime you do a diet that eliminates processed food and sugary food, you're going to get, you know, a reset of.
[00:01:50] Feeling like you need to have those, um, or the addictive qualities that those come with. I really want to have a clear mind and not be like looking to food to make me happy. I'm really excited. I hope you guys enjoy hearing about my experience.
[00:02:19] so day one of ProLon it's like three 30. I just ate three pancakes.
[00:02:33] I just needed to get breaking the rules out of the way, because I really don't do well with strict rules. I just instantly don't want to comply. I'm a really enjoying the food surprisingly and I also, haven't been like feeling very hungry. I am loving just knowing that my digestion is being reset, that my blood sugar levels are going to be totally balanced.
[00:03:03] Having a history of insulin resistance makes me just feel like this is going to be really good for me. And that's my motivation to continue.
[00:03:21] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:03:21] The reason why, like, I like it and why I was drawn towards it is because like, you see, we get all sorts of people in here. Generally speaking with variety of different health issues and diet is like, nobody leaves without us talking about it. It's important. It's the foundation, but it takes some time, right?
[00:03:42] It takes time to get into it. It takes time to. See the results of making those shifts. Generally speaking, when someone's coming to see you, um, there, there's an opportunity there to kind of capitalize on their momentum of saying, I want to, I want to do something. I need something to be fixed. Like now, today that's generally what drives them into your office because something is not right where I see ProLon fitting into that is as an opportunity to have a really short term.
[00:04:12] Pretty easy. It's low stress, right? This is like minimal work and prolonged can be that first step to say like, cool, do this. It's easy. It's certainly going to be different. It'll be a challenge for people. I mean, it's going to be a challenge for us, but, um, um, but the results will be there and it will be there quickly.
[00:04:32] You start to drop their inflammation quickly. You start to, you know, regulate their blood glucose. Faster, you know, um, and people notice that. So I've seen it as like a good opportunity for people to kind of get it kickstart really capitalize on the momentum and the choice that they've made to show up.
[00:04:49] Right. And we get to use it as like a therapeutic Jetpack to say, like, right, boom, let's go
[00:04:57] Katie:
[00:04:57] freed up a lot of time that I would spend figuring out what I'm eating and cooking, because that's such a overwhelming thing when they come in here and you're like, this is the way that you need to eat. And then they leave and they're like, how do I do it?
[00:05:10] How do I do at the very least this would free up some time so that they could yeah. Read
[00:05:16] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:05:16] through some resources, read through like the 30 day recharge diet that we have on the, on the
[00:05:20] Katie:
[00:05:20] website. After doing this 30 day recharged, I is going to look like frickin
[00:05:26] Dr. Derek Lawrence:
[00:05:26] right in the literature. They did one every month for three months.
[00:05:30] And that's where they saw nice, sustainable, sustainable weight loss. Um, sustainable inch loss of fat mass reduction, uh, skeletal muscle increased now like lean body mass, um, reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol, et cetera. It's an opportunity to kind of just clean up the scape a little bit, take a little digestive rest.
[00:05:49] And then at the end of those five days, you know, you're going to have an opportunity to play a little bit with it. Implementation, dairy, gluten. Yeah. Putting so much stuff into our mouth all the time. And your digest. Like literally you are saving energy. From having to digest food all the time, you get an opportunity to actually repair kind of this stuff is designed to put anybody's health at risk only to improve.
[00:06:16] What's your favorite tea? The, um, the lemon spearmint so far, I actually really liked the crackers. They weren't bad at all. I mean, I've had way worse kale crackers when you eat it. Which order you eat. It doesn't matter. You just have to stick with the box because of the caloric calorie and the macro nutrient balance between the food.
[00:06:36] Are they, one of the things that's slightly different about ProLon is that it's not saying it's bad. It's not saying meat's good. It's not saying these veggies are bad and these edges are good. It's not saying rice is terrible. It's not saying soy is evil for everybody. It's saying eat less food and eat it in these ratios.
[00:06:54] And this is what it does too. Aspects of your physiology. So it's not hard, but it's not diet. It's almost like a, it's a food supplement formula, right? To accomplish a few specific goals. They look at, you know, cholesterol, blood pressure weight, but a couple of the most unique parts are those pathways, the mTOR, um, insulin-like growth factor and protein kindly say, cause these are like cellular machinery.
[00:07:22] Like this is cellular processes that are becoming. Better regulated. So in our regular folks where they're turned up on their mTOR pathways, which are contributing to various different degrees of cellular dysfunction, there's just a, is there a reason why we have it? Yeah, there is like, we need some stimulation of all of these pathways.
[00:07:44] It's about balance and most people are so out of balance that that's a really important pathway to emphasize. All right. So that's, that's a part of it, right? There's people that, like I said, would think this is the witchcraft. It's not, it's all science and, uh, it's all pretty pertinent science. Um, well, there it is.
[00:08:09] Cool. Thanks.
[00:08:44] Katie:
[00:08:44] surfing in the morning and that just made me pretty hungry. And then yesterday, Thursday, which was day four, I didn't work out or go surfing or do anything really very active. So it was easier to get by, with not as much food today's Friday. Today's the last day I did work out this morning and I did have a little something before I worked out.
[00:09:11] I'm just kind of over it because I really missed working out. I think the hardest part for me was that for years and years, I restricted what I ate. And I always constantly was telling myself that I couldn't have whatever it was that I wanted. And once I overcame that, like I never want to go back to that because it's sucked.
[00:09:38] I've really found a way of eating that works with my body and that makes me feel good and that I'm comfortable with. And then I mentally feel good about, and I just really love. And so it just felt kind of wrong to like go back to that super to a super restricted. Diet and way of eating. So I do think that it will be a great tool for us to use at the clinic.
[00:10:07] I think it's a really great program for people who want to increase their STEM cells, balance their blood sugar, cholesterol, insulin, all of that kind of stuff. I think it's a great jumpstart to healthy lifestyle to figuring out a way of eating that works for you. So I'm definitely a fan of it and it'll be awesome to just see our patients use it and see how they like it and what their experiences.
[00:10:37] Thank you guys so much for watching my blog and I'll see you next time. Bye. .
Curious if ProLon or another fasting method is right for you?