The Secret to Staying Balanced in the Face of Uncertainty...

Fear, uncertainty and doubt can cause paralysis, not literal (hopefully) but metaphoric.  When we don’t know what to do, when we are faced with an uncertain future it's easy to get caught up in all the permutation and combinations of what could happen instead of controlling what we can control to change what does happen.

Working to be present in the moment within the chaos (and I promise, the chaos will never stop, it will just evolve) will be an important tool now and moving forward. 


Dr. Serena Goldstein, ND wrote on this tool:

“Mindfulness helps us discern what gives us a type of energy that brings a sense of fulfillment, outside of the situation itself, but perhaps adjusting our mindset if needed. Think of something you truly enjoy doing or someone who you truly enjoy being with—how can you live your life to emulate that fulfilling feeling? This feeling is your life force, vitality or will to live, and what you nourish in food, exercise, who you’re with and mindset to continuously align to what you’re meant to do in the world.” ¹

This is a skill, some are inherently good at it, others not so much but practice makes permanent.  Think of it as a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and some need more exercise than others!  

For me, this is where meditation plays a big role, specifically guided meditations.  I love meditation apps, because they remind me, motivate me, and help me practice on a routine basis.  I’ve tried a bunch of them.  Many of my patients love Headspace, I think Insight Timer is wonderful for most people, and Calm is offering our friends a free 30-day trial.

I’m personally really into Waking Up— an app developed by Sam Harris (neuroscientist/philosopher). Intellectually and philosophically it tickles me just right!

That aside, in this time of increased uncertainty, focus on what you can control:

  • Eat good food, not too much, not too late in the day

  • Focus on getting good sleep, give yourself an opportunity to get at least 7.5 hours of sleep

  • Get outside in the sun

  • Breathe

  • Make time to do something fun on a regular basis

  • Wash your hands! Often.

  • If you need help….ask.

You aren’t alone, we have your back. Be nice to yourself.  Working together we can live with more ease, live happier, live healthier, live more inspired.  

In Health,

Doc Derek

¹ Goldstein, S., ND. (2019, November). Decrease Stress by Aligning Your Life So You Don't Have to Think as Much. Natural Practitioner, 14-15.