Introducing Dr. Brian Myers: Functional Medicine Doctor in California




Dr. Brian Myers - Intro

Kellie - Marketing: [00:00:00] Hi everybody. This is Kellie at revive naturopathic medicine. I'm the marketing manager here and I am today with dr. Derek and dr. Brian Myers. We wanted to go ahead and introduce dr. Brian today and talk a little bit about the patients you see, what your approach is, and a little bit more about yourself.

[00:00:30] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:00:30] Well, let me start first because I want to give everybody a little understanding of,  why we're even talking with dr. Meyers today.  Brian and I have known each other for probably what. Almost close to 10 years now?

[00:00:46] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:00:46] I'd say so. Yeah, it sounds about right.

[00:00:49] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:00:49] And,  with, you know, dreams of,  you know, dreams of teaming up for a long time and,  more recently we got actually an opportunity to actually make that a reality.

[00:01:01] And that's been really fun, not only just from a colleague standpoint, but also, you know, checking a box off and saying like, Hey, we did it right. And, and for, you know, the folks at Revive,  some of you may recognize Brian's face. I mean, you may not.  Part of the reason is, is he's been kind of behind the scenes in a couple of our other projects, one,  our practice out in Bakersfield, which we happen to have the clinic of Sunrise Natural Medicine.

[00:01:31] So Brian's been out there seeing patients, and he'll tell you more about that as well as,  Most of our revive patients know that the,  naturally medical,  kind of director at Vera Aia, which is an all inclusive fitness and wellness retreat here in Carlsbad. And,  Brian also works there. So he's there one week a month right now, of course, you know, we've, we've kind of been closed due to COVID however, our,  opening date is in the near future.

[00:02:01] So I'm looking forward to that. And so Brian's also been participating, there working at the retreat and it's been even a valuable asset there. So that's why his face may look familiar may or may not look familiar, but he's been around for actually quite a while,  at Revive and in my life even longer.

[00:02:19] But,  I wanted to take this opportunity, Brian, for, you know, our patient base as a whole to really get to understand you know, how you got into medicine,  you know, how, you know, what your practice looks like, what do you love treating?  And you know, a little bit more about you. So, you know, I'll, I'll turn the mic over to you and,  maybe ping you on a couple of questions I want to know about.

[00:02:44] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:02:44] Sure. Thanks for the intro, both of you Kellie and dr. Derek.  That's right. I've been around for what seems like forever. I'm older than dirt. I've been living in California for a few years now. I was out in the Coachella Valley for awhile and, recently moved into LA and that's right between Carlsbad and Bakersfield.

[00:03:06] And so it's worked out really well to,  contribute from those areas. I also do a bit of telemedicine for some of our patients here in LA,  and that's been good too.  yeah, I got into medicine.  My family has been in medicine, so I always had that. I had good role models growing up.  I had my own  health issues,  in high school that kind of compelled me towards wanting to help others and understand more about,  our anatomy and physiology and what makes those things work.

[00:03:37] And,  then I taught for a while and all of that kind of lent itself to, you know, one of our core tenants is naturopathic doctors is to be teachers and here I am just teaching in a different capacity,  about really, really neat and interesting things that,  continue to  change.

[00:03:53] So,  that's just a little bit about how I came into this world and how I ended up here.

[00:03:59] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:03:59] Right. Brian, you know, what's unique and,  Kellie, I'm sure you'll catch this too.  Both, or all of us, me, you and Emma, all had parents in medicine.

[00:04:16] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:04:16] That's really interesting.

[00:04:17] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:04:17] And I didn't know that about Emma before we actually had, you know, our round table with her.  I know you well and I know your  dad,  who't the doc in the family. I think it's really kind of unique that  we ended up kind of coalescing here, because I know how intimately your, you know, upbringing in medicine,  has impacted how you operate today.  I was really interesting to learn how Emma's impact, how she offers it. And I know every single patient visit I come in bringing,  wisdom from my dad, who is the doc,  into those visits.

[00:05:03] And,  it's an interesting trend because I don't think like that is,  if I, if I recall back to NCNM or NUNM now, where we went to naturopathic medical school, I don't recall that being, I know, I know there are definitely people who had parents in medicine, but I don't recall that being as kind of stark of a trend, like three out of three, you know, as,  as we find it, the clinic here. And that's maybe why I think I gravitated towards, you know, when I, when I'm looking and reaching out for like who can help at the clinic there, maybe that's a little  subconscious,  trait that I have found to,  surround myself.

[00:05:44] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:05:44] Yeah. I mean, it's, you know, we had a lot of support from both the conventional and traditional medical standpoint, and I think that's really helped keep me balanced as a practitioner. I've I've  had a great luxury to be able to collaborate with my dad, you know, to bounce ideas off of him. And also my sister, who's a PA and like, you know, that's really lovely and I enjoy getting questions from them and, and like, The worlds that they practice in are similar and also very different.

[00:06:12] Yeah. And,  and, and that's just been really helpful because we have patients sometimes that like, I, I sometimes don't know what to do, and that's a great part about like the human body and learning, which never ends. And, and it's just nice to have those resources, in your family and also not in your family.

[00:06:31] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:06:31] Right. So I call, I call my dad sometimes my pocket radiologist. You know, we get a decent amount of, you know, diagnostic imaging. Right. But at the end of the day, I get my information from the reports and the report is only as good as the person doing the scan and the person reading the scan.

[00:06:50] And I've learned that from, you know, from, from being related to a radiologist. And so like, there are times in which I'll maybe need to get a specific type of scan done and be like, Hey, what do I actually have to put here to get the results I want to look? And the cool thing is this, like on the little message right behind the scenes.

[00:07:05] And I get exactly what I need or on the flip side of that, when you have these findings for like, Okay, well, nothing like is egregious here, but like there's a, B and C happening. And like, what does that mean? Like, how do we like connect those dots with that symptom?  Again, another little pocket dial to, you know,  the pocket radiologist and I can get some insight and, you know, that's been helpful at times for my patients, I think just a value that like we get to pass on as a luxury. I'm just kind of by default.

[00:07:42] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:07:42] Yeah. Yeah. It's been really nice. We've had good collaboration as naturopaths among naturopathic doctors, but extending that into,  some of the other disciplines.... it's just, it's an, it's a lovely luxury.

[00:07:54] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:07:54] Well, yeah, it has. And I think that, I mean, it's part of the reason why,  you know, I think we got on well together is that it's created a balance in the way in which we talk to our patients. Like I, I've literally been beside you talking to patients and,  it's something that I really appreciate about your, your bedside manner.

[00:08:20] The way you explain problems is it's very similar to me and, and I like that. I find personally it's a, it's a real digestible way.  so. That's you know, that's, that's a tip of the hat to you.

[00:08:36] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:08:36] Thanks.

[00:08:37] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:08:37] Yeah.

[00:08:38] Kellie - Marketing: [00:08:38] Brian, could you talk a little bit about,  The type of patient that you generally see, or if I'm somebody coming to the Revive website and I'm looking for a doctor who am I that's coming to you, Dr. Brian?

[00:08:53] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:08:53] Sure. Yeah. As Naturopathic Doctors,  I mean, or just as me specifically, I guess I've,  And, and maybe it's just a part about the, where I've been practicing, but I've seen a lot of people for hormone replacement therapy,  a lot of GI issues, and I think that's not location specific. I think that's more specific to everybody. I think a lot of people end up with gut health issues. Anyway, autoimmune  conditions too,  seem to be,  an area that I've had a lot of experience with. And,  Yeah, I think those are some big areas, metabolic issues,  cardio metabolic disease,  any sort of like trending towards,  MI risk or stroke or even diabetes, all of those kinds of like pathologies of excess.

[00:09:43] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:09:43] That's an interesting way of putting it "pathologies of excess."

[00:09:49] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:09:49] Well, I mean, It's not outside of the realm to kind of look at some at not outside of their normal possibility to look at them that way. I mean,  a lot of times it's, it's too much food, too much, too much of "the good life."

[00:10:06] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:10:06] Yeah. Right. That's breaking them down. Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to store that one for later. Thank you.

[00:10:14] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:10:14] Sure.

[00:10:24] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:10:24] Most of us Brian are putting stuff out on the internet, videos, blogs, et cetera. Right. Know you're writing content.  and yeah, we,  pop some of that up,  on our revive site here, but where else can people,  where else can people find you?

[00:10:56] Dr. Brian Myers: [00:10:56] Yeah.  I have a website ( I can be found on Twitter on  Instagram at @DoctorMyersND.  So those are kind of the, the best ways to find me and then on the Revive website, of course.

[00:11:13] Dr. Derek Lawrence: [00:11:13] Perfect. Sounds good.  thanks so much for just taking the time. I know our patients are going to be, watching this to kind of learn a little bit more about you. And I look forward to having another one of these in the future.