The number one reason why most people either have difficulty falling asleep or have difficulty staying asleep is stress. Stressful feelings throw our hormonal system and nervous system out of sync, making it challenging to calm down and creating difficulties sleeping.
Control Your Stress Response, Don't Let It Control You. Here's How.
Our bodies are well adapted to dealing with acute stressors, but chronic stressors, not as much. Our society lives in a very sympathetic dominant state. We, more or less, live in fight or flight mode. The things that we stress over now are things like money, raising kids, school, family, relationships, work and driving on the interstates.
Is Your Immune System Confused?
Autoimmune diseases are a cluster of more than 80 chronic, and often debilitating, diseases affecting 22.5 million Americans. Generally speaking, an autoimmune disease is a condition wherein the body’s immune system begins to attacks its own cells. The immune system is not “over-active”; rather, it is confused….